Explorations through digital video




Riecken, Janet Lily Ann

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Previous learning experiences, that transformed my understandings of learning as a student learning to use digital video at Gulf Islands Film and Television School (GIFTS), resulted in an interest to learn more about the experiences of others while working with digital video and film, hence this study. This study involves the use of digital video to gather information and digital video as a form of representation for the study. The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of one's experiences while working with digital video and film, with a focus on what matters and what makes a difference for students and mentors while learning and teaching about digital video and film during a one-week session offered to youth and adults at GIFTS. Data were gathered through on-site observations, field notes, questionnaires, and digital video recordings of participant interviews, conversations and activities. The video recordings provide visual, auditory and contextual detail about the film school and the participants and their learning experiences for both the thesis and video components of this study.



video, production, direction
