Consociated classrooms: designing and implementing a second language classroom while inter-connecting curriculum, technology, and dispositions.




Johnson, Stacia

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This project examines the current changes in education; recent languages policies developed by the Council of Europe that are influencing language learning around the world; the need to collaborate and connect; a multiplicity of means of connecting and the benefits of such connections to language learners. The project had four stages: defining consociated (and connected classrooms), providing the rationale for consociated classrooms, and designing and implementing a second language classroom that interconnects curriculum, technology and dispositions. After reviewing information about connected classrooms and digital tools being used in second language classrooms, I expanded on the contemporary definition of connected classrooms and created my own name, consociated classrooms, to better define my project. After two experimental semesters with a FSL class in which a variety of these tools were used for connecting in online and face-to-face contexts, it was noticed that these tools helped increase relevance, collaboration, and engagement in the second language classroom. Finally, the first consociated classroom was created between an 11/12 FSL class and a neighbouring 10/11/12 FSL class and another one is in the works for a Beginners' Japanese course.



connected classrooms, Twitter, language-learning, consociated classrooms, technology, curriculum, dispositions, French, CEFR
