Defining a Particular Social Group Based on Gender




Adjin-Tettey, Elizabeth

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York University, Centre for Refugee Studies


It is now accepted in refugee jurisprudence that gender-based social groups fall within the meaning of Particular Social Group for purposes of according Convention refugee protection. However, the criteria for iden tifyinggenderbased social groups remains to be settled. The tendency has been to identify the at-risk group by the common victimization which confronts group members. This is neither innatenorconstant. The author takes the position that thegroup should simply be identified by the gender of its members-women, although there may be subgroups of women united by other characteris tics suchas race, nationality or religion. Not all group members will automatically be eligible for refugee protection; only women who aregenuinely at risk of persecution will be accorded Convention refugee status.


This is a post-print version of this paper, published in Refuge, (1997) 16(4) pp.22-25.



Elizabeth Adjin-Tettey, "Defining a Particular Social Group Based on Gender” (1997) 16(4) Refuge 22-25.