Physically based rendering of ice crystal halos




Firmino, Arthur

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The anisotropic scattering properties of atmospheric ice crystals lead to complex and visually appealing halos, however these have yet to receive due modelling in physically based rendering systems. This project aims to ll that gap and render high quality, physically accurate images of these phenomena. To capture the crystal s scattering properties, represented by a phase function, we construct a virtual goniore ectometer simulating light rays incident on an ice crystal. A physically based renderer is extended to read our phase functions, allowing halos to be rendered by a volumetric path tracer. Multiple halos were rendered, with varying crystal shapes and orientations, and the resulting images were qualitatively compared with real photographs. The approaches used to approximate and sample the phase functions, despite yielding quality images, incurr an objectionable time and space cost. Possible alternatives and solutions are discussed in conclusion.



rendering, physically based rendering, halos, anisotropic scattering, computer graphics
