Customer satisfaction survey: recommendations for Capital Region Housing Corporation Edmonton




Gnanasaravanapavan, Vaishnavie

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Measuring customer satisfaction for social housing customers in Canada is a more recent trend in Canadian social housing organizations compared to some of its international counterparts, such as the United Kingdom or Australia. As it shifts towards a more customer-focused approach, Capital Region Housing (CRH) wanted to develop a tool to measure customer satisfaction. This study focused on how best should CRH measure customer satisfaction. An additional challenge was understanding the vulnerability of CRH customers and identifying a tool to measure customer satisfaction that is accessible to as many of CRH's customers as possible. Based on a literature review of customer satisfaction definitions and practices in public and private sectors as well as a jurisdictional scan of best practices across similarly sized housing organisations in Canada, United Kingdom and Australia, a pilot survey was developed and tested with a small sample of CRH customers. A focus group was then held to hear feedback on the survey and changes were made before a second survey was tested for a larger range of CRH customers for them to complete online. Findings from the survey indicated that customers were largely satisfied with CRH’s services, however, they wished for more services to meet their needs for accessibility and security in their housing units as well as lower wait times when dealing with CRH staff. The results indicate multiple methods of delivering the survey would work best to increase response rate. Thus, CRH should focus on delivering the survey online and over the phone to increase response rates and report back to customers on the results to increase trust in the survey process.



Social Housing, Capital Region Housing, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Social Housing survey practices, Customer Engagement, Canada social housing
