Social scripts: a concept analysis




Ward, Donna Lynn

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BACKGROUND. Women experiencing poverty, homelessness, and using drugs cannot achieve the same health outcomes and access to health care as women in the mainstream population. Personal agency is enacted in a set of structural constraints including social norms. Decisions made in relation to sexual behaviour and sexual health are constrained or enabled by structure, and individual agency is exercised in connection with social rules or codes that implicitly or explicitly dictate appropriateness and preferences. Social scripts are learned directives for personal actions and values which then play out in the personal and social lives of those who have learned the script. Social script theory may provide an alternative lens through which to look at women’s health and in particular, sexual health, in the population of women who are experiencing poverty and/or homelessness, and using drugs. AIM. The aim in this paper is to define and describe the concept of social scripts as they pertain to sexuality, sexual health, and accessing health care. I will explicate the attributes and characteristics of social scripts and discuss the viability of the concept as a dimension to improve health equity and appropriate health care access for the population of women experiencing poverty, homelessness, and drug use. SIGNIFICANCE. Gain clarity and understanding of the concept of social scripts by examining attributes and characteristics using the method of concept analysis. The results of the concept analysis could enhance our understanding of the concept and could potentially lend theoretical and practical applications for providing improved nursing care. METHOD. Using the concept analysis method described by Walker and Avant (1995), a framework of defining attributes, identifying antecedents, consequences, model cases, and empirical referents, the concept of social scripts will be explored. SCRIPTS: A CONCEPT ANALYSIS 6 CONCLUSION. Social scripts may provide a depth of understanding in relation to the personal beliefs and behaviours of women who have been marginalized and may provide insight when working with women in an individually focused manner. Scripting theory may not however provide an appropriate way of approaching care with vulnerable populations within the context of health inequities and the production and reproduction of health inequities. Cultural safety is offered as one possible solution as a more relevant and appropriate way of informing care for a marginalized and vulnerable populations.



concept analysis, social scripts, theory development, health inequities, health care access, women, personal agency, vulnerable populations
