Blending the old and new: engaging students in Shakespeare through technology




Murphy, Paul

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This project outlines a Grade 10 Shakespeare unit that is delivered through multiple technologies and movement-based activities. Based on a review of the literature, it was decided that students would engage with “Romeo and Juliet” using a blended online and in class delivery. The culminating assignment was the collaborative creation of a graphic novel of the entire play. The website and online graphic novel creator, Pixton, proved to be engaging for students. Additionally, it provided an accessible means through which students could demonstrate their understanding of the play. The unit is designed to be practical and interesting for students, allowing them to successfully access difficult language and concepts through movement-based activities, online and in-class discussion, and graphic novel creation. The result was increased participation from students as they engaged in the unit. This project includes the literature review, the outline of the unit with instructions for setup and delivery, and recommendations for teachers interested in engaging with this type of content.



Shakespeare, Pixton, graphic novel, online course, movement, discussion board, comics, Romeo and Juliet, online students, language arts, English 10, technology, education
