Mamoweenene: Constituting Shinnecock Values to Perpetuate Togetherness




Chase, Erika

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Although we have not had a fluent, native speaker of the Shinnecock language since the early 1800’s, revitalization efforts of our Algonquian language have been made a priority by man people over the past decade. However, based on our intense historical trauma and long standing colonial legacies we have endured as a “first contact” people, the reintroduction of Shinnecock language, has also been an uncomfortable transition for some of our people simply because for many, it has remained so unfamiliar for so long. Regardless, much work and dedication has gone into the restoration of our language, networking with our sister Nations has continued as it always has, classes are regularly being held, games are being played, children are introducing themselves, singing, and praying, and the staples of everyday words and conversation are slowly but surely being internalized within our community once again.



language, revitalization, aboriginal, colonial, nation, community, governance, values, moving together, togetherness, tribes, traditions, values, first contact, land, culture, constitution, sovereignty, indigenous
