Women survivors' experiences of work
Guenette, Francis Lorraine
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The importance of work, women's experiences of different work paths, and the effects abuse has on a woman's ability to work led to the question - how do women make meaning of the ways in which they have experienced the intersection of abuse and work? A qualitative research approach. within an overarching theoretical framework of social constructionism, and a narrative method forms the methodological basis for this work. Time-line drawings created by participants, concept maps. ghostwritten stories, and themes within and across participants formed the analysis. A major meta-theme across all participants related to the long-term effects of abuse experiences. The five women who shared their stories spoke of many barriers in their lives. At the same time. their stories shone with light and hope. Many of them reflected on how far they had come on their individual journeys of recovery and all had dreams for the future.
abused women, employment, psychology, Canada