Multiple Regimes of Wind, Stratification, and Turbulence in the Stable Boundary Layer




Monahan, Adam H.
Rees, Tim
He, Yanping

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Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences


A long time series of temporally high-resolution wind and potential temperature data from the 213-m tower at Cabauw in the Netherlands demonstrates the existence of two distinct regimes of the stably stratified nocturnal boundary layer at this location. Hidden Markov model (HMM) analysis is used to objectively characterize these regimes and classify individual observed states. The first regime is characterized by strongly stable stratification, large wind speed differences between 10 and 200 m, and relatively weak turbulence. The second is associated with near-neutral stratification, weaker wind speed differences between 10 and 200 m, and relatively strong turbulence. In this second regime, the state of the boundary layer is similar to that during the day. The occupation statistics of these regimes are shown to covary with the large-scale pressure gradient force and cloud cover such that the first regime predominates under clear skies with weak geostrophic wind speed and the second regime predominates under conditions of extensive cloud cover or large geostrophic wind speed. These regimes are not distinguished by standard measures of stability, such as the Obukhov length or the bulk Richardson number. Evidence is presented that the mechanism generating these distinct regimes is associated with a previously documented feedback resulting from the existence of an upper limit on the maximum downward heat flux that can be sustained for a given near-surface wind speed.



Nonlinear dynamics, Boundary layer, Wind, Climate classification/regimes, Statistics


Monahan, A. H., Rees, T., & He, Y. (2015). Multiple Regimes of Wind, Stratification, and Turbulence in the Stable Boundary Layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72(8), 3178- 3198.