List of Communities
The Centre for Co-operative and Community-Based Economy (CCCBE) is a focal point on campus for the promotion of interdisciplinary research and learning on subjects related to co-operative and community-based economy.
The CFGS is committed to fostering reflection on the complex array of social forces associated with an increasingly interconnected world characterized by new forms of economic activity, artistic production, politics, media, nationalism, ethnicity, spirituality and community that increasingly transcend local, national and regional boundaries.
The Centre for Studies in Religion and Society (CSRS) is a leading centre in Canada for scholarly interdisciplinary research on topics at the intersection of religion and public life.
The primary mission of the Environmental Law Centre Society, a registered non-profit society, is to provide research and advocacy on public interest environmental issues.
This community holds theses and dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies
(formerly the Office for Community Based Research)
Includes McPherson and Law Libraries
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