Cost-Effectiveness & Labour Market Outcomes in In-Vitro Fertilization




Seshadri, Samuel K.C.

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This work uses two techniques to explore cost-effectiveness and labour market outcomes of provincial IVF funding policy. First, I conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of IVF using a commonly accepted framework of Canadian health technology assessment from the perspective of the publicly-funded healthcare payer. Second, I construct a novel Conception Timing Model that represents the decision problem of a hypothetical Canadian individual who must weigh the tradeoff between having a child and the future income associated with furthering a career. The Conception Timing Model is developed under the rationale that the potential parent must incur an opportunity cost of lost wages when they decide to have a child. Results from the first approach suggests that a positive amount of IVF funding is cost-effective when constrained to the publicly funded healthcare payer perspective. The combination of the first and second approaches suggest that IVF policy may be used as both a health program and a social program that addresses inequities within the labour market. Results also speak to the importance of government ministries acting multilaterally to create effective welfare-improving policy.



Cost-Effectiveness, Welfare Economics, Labour Economics, Healthcare Economics, In-Vitro Fertilization
