The Roles of Personal Learning Environments and the Teacher-Librarian in Facilitating 21st Century Learning: A Flexible Framework for a High School Learning Environment
Burleson, Wendy Ann
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As the information environment continues to become more vast and complex with mobile computing devices, social media, and online platforms, teachers are challenged to incorporate these tools in pedagogically-sound learning designs. This project explores the personal learning environment as a promising approach for developing critical information literacies and 21st century competencies, both of which are emphasized in British Columbia’s forthcoming new curriculum. This paper includes a conceptual review of the pedagogical and technological foundations of PLEs, practical examples from k-12 to post-secondary, and an examination of the roles of the teacher-librarian in a PLE followed by a teacher resource guide that explores the leadership roles of the teacher-librarian. As the PLE represents a relatively new approach with few empirical studies – and an approach with many possible iterations – this resource should be applied as an initial step toward implementation and as a foundation that may support future qualitative studies.
personal learning environment, 21st century learning, self-regulation, web 2.0, social media, teacher-librarian