Nursing science based curriculum - why not now? Its significance for the discipline and the profession
Biasio, Heather
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The purpose of this project was to carry out a comprehensive literature review of nursing
science, with the goal of making recommendations for incorporation of a nursing science based
curriculum. The literature review revealed nursing science, knowledge created within the
discipline of nursing, distinguishes what is unique about nursing. It is imperative that nursing,
—not other disciplines or agencies—defines nursing when many changes are happening within
health care and nursing education that threaten the future of nursing. This definition is
established by the art of nursing expressing the science of nursing. Nursing education is a key
element in the understanding of and utilization of nursing science. The report concludes that
now is the time to incorporate a nursing science based curriculum. Four recommendations are
made to facilitate incorporation of a nursing science based curriculum: integrate nursing science
into nursing courses; utilize the language of nursing science; facilitate nursing faculty
development; and reframe the current CAEN foundational perspectives to reflect nursing
nursing, science based curriculum, curriculum, discipline, profession