A Component-Based Framework for Integrated AEC/FM Project Systems




Halfawy, Mahmoud R.
Froese, Thomas M.

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Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil / Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering


This paper presents a component-based framework that provides a set of reusable components to facilitate the implementation of distributed AEC/FM integrated project systems. The framework addresses the specific characteristics and requirements of AEC/FM projects, and provides reference architecture as well as a development platform for implementing integrated AEC/FM project systems. The framework defines three-tier architecture: the AEC/FM applications tier, the common domain services tier, and the data/knowledge repository tier. The applications tier includes a set of functionspecific software tools. Legacy software tools can be integrated into the framework by implementing adaptors. The common domain services tier defines a number of components that implement a wide range of generic services such as data management, process management, and project team collaboration. The data/knowledge repository tier represents a store for the project information and an AEC/FM knowledge base that can be used by users and applications. The framework supports tools interoperability and data sharing through the use of the standard IAI Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs). The paper discusses the framework architecture as well as several issues related to the development of integrated projects systems. A prototype integrated project system is also presented.




Halfawy, M.F. & Froese, T. (2002). A Component-Based Framework for Integrated AEC/FM Project Systems. Paper presented at Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil / Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Montréal, QC. https://csce.ca/en/publications/past-conferences/