Is your community reaching everyone everyday? Exploring the experiences and perspectives of Active Communities practitioners in serving low income citizens.




Scott, Jennifer E

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This project explored the experiences of recreation providers in offering initiatives to low income citizens through a government initiative entitled Active Communities. Using social marketing as a theoretical framework, this qualitative inquiry used interviews and a focus group to gather information from nine recreation providers working in public recreation facilities across Vancouver Island. Understanding the perspectives of recreation providers and furthering our knowledge of the benefits and costs associated with offering initiatives to low income citizens was central to this inquiry. As well, the project sought to understand the role of public recreation in communities and how that may influence the provision of services. The findings showed that offering initiatives to low income citizens is important and rewarding to participants. The lack of resources and policies, however, and the shifting philosophy of public recreation pose various barriers to the ability to be successful in providing initiatives for low income citizens.



recreation, physical activity, low income, access
