The Smart Cities Approach: The Opportunity and Possibility of Data Driven Communities




Chu, Sarah Lai Yu

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The purpose of this research is to identify the implications of data collection and use of data in the smart cities approach to provide recommendations to mitigate the challenges or reduce the risks associated with these practices. The primary research question is: What are the implications of data collection and the use of data in smart cities and how does this affect citizens, businesses, and civil society as a whole? The secondary research questions are: 1.) What government tools and approaches can Canada learn from other countries when it comes to data collection and the use of data in smart cities? 2.) How do privacy policies affect smart cities data collection and the use of data? 3.) What are the benefits and problems of data collection and the use of data that the government needs to be aware of when implementing the smart city approach? There are many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the implication of data collection and use of data in the smart cities approach. The strengths of collecting and using data in the smart cities approach are to increase efficiency, provide better services for residents, and increase innovation. The weaknesses and challenges are data biases, privacy issues, slow regulation/law development, and limited resource to implement data-driven communities. The opportunities are the implementation of “smart governance,” increase efficiency in government services for the public and create better public policies by using the data collected. The significant threats municipalities need to address are cyber-attacks, data breaching, data ownership, and data sovereignty.



the smart cities approach, smart cities, privacy enhancing technologies, digital literacy, Security Plan, cybersecurity life cycle, Privacy by Design, Reforming Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Data collection, Use of Data, Data Ethics, Data Ethics Guideline, Privacy Impact Assessment, Directive Automated Decision Making, algorithmic impact assessment, data discrimination, Toronto Waterfront, Estonia, Somerville, privacy law, GDPR, General Data Protection Regulation, City of Vancouver, City of Kelowna, The Smart Cities Challenge, smart governance, data sovereignty, data ownership, Sidewalk Labs, Internet of Things, IoT, AI, machine learning, De-identification, public engagement, types of data privacy, regulations, Data Ethics Checklist, risk management, data driven communities, Blockchain, Data Embassy, multidisciplinary teams, data breaching, unethical, linking databases, democracy, transparency
