Enquiry-Based Learning Online: Course Development and Student Experience of a First-Year Enquiry-Based Learning Seminar




Murray, Jacqueline
Lachowsky, Nathan J.
Green, Natalie

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Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching


Online courses are increasing in popularity while universities are using.first-year seminars to address the challenges of large impersonal classes, lack of student engagement, and increased skills development. Could the learning experience and benefits of an in-person first-year seminar be achieved through an online distance education (DE) format? How would students' experience benefit from an online DE first-year seminar? At the University of Guelph, an online interdisciplinary first-year seminar was developed and offered four times. This essay includes reflections from the faculty instructor and educational developer who co-designed the course, results from pre- and post-course surveys completed by students, and interviews conducted with students.


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the University of Guelph First-Year Seminar Program, including all of the instructors and students. The authors thank Jack Mallon, Meagan Stewart, and Kelsea Martin who assisted with data entry and transcription, Dale Lackeyram who read an earlier version of this article, and the anonymous reviewers for their immensely helpful comments and valuable advice.


first-year seminars, enquiry-based learning, interdisciplinary, active learning, instructional design, pedagogy


Murray, J., Lachowsky, N. J., & Green, N. (2017). “Enquiry-Based Learning Online: Course Development and Student Experience of a First-Year Enquiry-Based Learning Seminar.” Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 10, 129–142.