Regenerating Haa-huu-pah as a foundation of Quu'asminaa governance
Ogilvie, Chiinuuks
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Regenerating haa-huu-pah is necessary for the development of a vision of self-determination, and the reclamation of land and freedom for Indigenous peoples. Tla-o-qui-aht and Checlesaht are Indigenous nations who recognize the need for an alternative to colonial processes and have begun looking for strategies for regenerating Quu'asminaa governance. Quu'asminaa leaders, called 'hawiih' (respected and knowledgeable people). were. and in some families continue to be, groomed from an early age to uphold their specific responsibilities. These responsibilities are both personal and collective and include adhering to the laws of the hahuuthlii (the territories, including land, sea. mountains and sky), as well as accountability to the muschim. Hawiih are taught these responsibilities through haa-huu-pah, which are the re-telling of stories, teachings, and ways of our people. Today, utilizing haa-huu-pah is vital to the regeneration of Quu'asminaa governance and to building strong movements toward self-determination within Indigenous communities.
Indians of North America, Vancouver Island, B.C., Governance, Self-determination