Promoting equity from the start through early child development and health in all policies (ECD-HiAP)




Mercer, Raúl
Hertzman, Clyde
Molina, Helia
Vaghri, Ziba

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Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland


Key messages: • Promoting healthy early child development (ECD) is important for social development and well-being; ECD constitutes a social determinant of health. • The first five years of life constitute a window of opportunity for investment in and effective promotion of ECD. • Enough evidence is available on how to set priorities in public policies to promote ECD in terms of reducing health (including NCDs) and social problems. • Cost-effective policies to promote healthy ECD include the provision of time (e.g. maternity leave), services and resources. • Disparities in health and human development increase with early, multiple and cumulative risks along the lifespan. Creating positive nurturing conditions and opportunities can reduce existing inequities. • New social accountability initiatives should consider the burden of responsibility of policy-makers promoting early child development and Health in All Policies (ECD-HiAP) in terms of the social costs of not 106 Health in All Policies intervening with active policies towards the promotion of equity from the cradle. • There is a need to integrate time (life course), contexts (social determinants) and actors (across sectors) for effective policies towards equity from the cradle. This constitutes a new paradigm tackling the intergenerational cycle of poverty perpetuation. • Every child deserves the right to develop and be healthy. States have the mandate to respect, protect and fulfil this right. • As a component of HiAP, ECD has the capacity to be a transformational tool for improving our societies. (From the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland)




Mercer, R., Hertzman, C., Molina, H., & Vaghri, Z. (2013). Promoting equity from the start through early child development and health in all policies (ECD-HiAP). In, S. Cook, K. Leppo, E. Ollilia, S. Peña, & M. Wismar (Eds.), Health in all policies: Seizing opportunities, implementing policies (pp. 105-124). Finland: Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.