The impact of strongly interacting relics on big bang nucleosynthesis
Sharman, Jonathan William
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We study the impact of long lived strongly interacting particles on primordial nuclear
abundances. Particularly we look at the case of anti-squark quark bound states called
mesinos. These mesinos are similar to massive nucleons in that they have the same
spin and isospin. Like nucleons, the mesinos take part in nucleosynthesis and are
bound into nuclei. We incorporate the mesinos into the various stages of BBN, from
the QCD phase transition, to their capture of nucleons, to their eventual decay. We
identify the mechanisms by which the mesinos could impact primordial abundances
and show which actually do so. We nd that for the predicted mesino abundance, only
one mechanism exists that has the potential of generating an observable signature.
Big bang nucleosynthesis, Cosmology, Supersymmetry, Nuclear theory