Factors Associated With Recent HIV Testing Among Younger Gay and Bisexual Men in New Zealand, 2006-2011
Lachowsky, Nathan J.
Saxton, Peter J. W.
Dickson, Nigel P.
Hughes, Anthony J.
Summerlee, Alastair J. S.
Dewey, Cate E.
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BMC Public Health
Background: Understanding HIV testing behaviour is vital to developing evidence-based policy and programming
that supports optimal HIV care, support, and prevention. This has not been investigated among younger gay,
bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (YMSM, aged 16-29) in New Zealand.
Methods: National HIV sociobehavioural surveillance data from 2006, 2008, and 2011 was pooled to determine the
prevalence of recent HIV testing (in the last 12 months) among YMSM. Factors associated with recent testing were
determined using manual backward stepwise multivariate logistic regression.
Results: Of 3,352 eligible YMSM, 1,338 (39.9%) reported a recent HIV test. In the final adjusted model, the odds
of having a recent HIV test were higher for YMSM who were older, spent more time with other gay men,
reported multiple sex partners, had a regular partner for 6-12 months, reported high condom use with casual
partners, and disagreed that HIV is a less serious threat nowadays and that an HIV-positive man would disclose
before sex. The odds of having a recent HIV test were lower for YMSM who were bisexual, recruited online,
reported Pacific Islander or Asian ethnicities, reported no regular partner or one for >3 years, were insertive-only
during anal intercourse with a regular partner, and who had less HIV-related knowledge.
Conclusion: A priority for HIV management should be connecting YMSM at risk of infection, but unlikely to test
with appropriate testing services. New generations of YMSM require targeted, culturally relevant health
promotion that provides accurate understandings about HIV transmission and prevention.
Gay men, HIV/AIDS, Surveillance, Testing, Youth, MSM, New Zealand, Sexual behaviour, Health promotion
Lachowsky, N. J., Saxton, P. J. W., Dickson, N. P., Hughes, A. J., Summerlee, A. J. S., & Dewey, C. E. (2014). “Factors Associated With Recent HIV Testing Among Younger Gay and Bisexual Men in New Zealand, 2006-2011.” BMC Public Health, 14, 294. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-294