Do sedentary motives adversely affect physical activity? Adding cross-behavioural cognitions to the theory of planned behaviour




Rhodes, Ryan E.
Blanchard, Chris

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Psychology & health


The purpose of this study was to explore whether sedentary behavior cognitions explain physical activity (PA) intention and behavior when integrated within the theory of planned behavior framework (TPB). A random community sample of 206 adults and a sample of 174 undergraduate students completed measures of the TPB pertaining to PA and four popular leisure-time behaviors (TV viewing, computer use, sedentary hobbies, and sedentary socializing) and an adapted Godin Leisure-Time Exercize Questionnaire (community sample ¼ cross-sectional, undergraduate sample ¼ 2-week prospective). Results using ordinary least squares regression provided evidence that TV viewing intention explains additional variance in PA behavior, and affective attitude (community sample) and perceived behavioral control (undergraduate sample) towards TV viewing explains additional variance in PA intention even after controlling for PA-related TPB constructs. These results underscore the potential value of adding sedentary control interventions in concert with PA promotion.



Physical activity, exercise, Theory of planned behavior, sedentary behaviors, behavioral choice theory


Rhodes, R. E., & Blanchard, C. M. (2008). Do sedentary motives adversely affect physical activity? Adding cross-behavioural cognitions to the theory of planned behaviour. Psychology & health, 23(7), 789–805.