Aspect-oriented system structure




Coady, Y
Kiczales, G
Feeley, M
Hutchinson, N
Ong, JS
Gudmundson, S

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Operating system structure is important; it leads to understandable, maintainable, 'pluggable' code. But despite our best efforts, some system elements have been difficult to structure. We propose a new analysis of this problem, and a new technology that can structure these elements. Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) (G. Kiczales et al., 1997) uses linguistic mechanisms to support the separation of crosscutting elements, or aspects of the system, from primary functionality. We have developed a proof-of-concept AOP implementation of prefetching in FreeBSD ( In our implementation, we have been able to modularize prefetching.


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AOP, aspect-oriented programming, aspect-oriented system structure, cross-cutting elements, cross-cutting elements, FreeBSD, linguistic mechanisms, modularized prefetching, operating system structure, operating systems (computers)


Coady, Y.; Kiczales, G.; Feeley, M.; Hutchinson, N.; Ong, J. S. ; Gudmundson, S.., Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 2001. Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on