Innovation in accelerating sustainable technology – Bio-energy Research Demonstration Facility Case Study




Save, P.W.
Froese, Thomas M.
Cayuela, A.

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CSCE 2013 General Conference


Sustainable technology innovations are created each year, but without being tested at a scale that is useful for demonstration and eventual replication, some are not advancing as quickly as they could. The “Campus as a Living Lab” concept at The University of British Columbia is being used as a means to not only accelerate the adoption of new technology, but to inform decisions regarding sustainable infrastructure development. Projects completed within the first five years of the program are estimated to reduce campus natural gas, energy and greenhouse gas emissions by 9%, 22%, and 33% respectively. (UBC, 2011) (UBC, 2012). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the formalization and modeling of a living lab program model (including business process models) could lead post-secondary institutions, municipalities and other for-profit and non-for-profit organizations to reductions in energy consumption and GHG emissions. To illustrate this approach, this paper presents business process models that describe how the living lab program was implemented in the case of UBC’s Bio-energy Research and Demonstration Facility, one of the initial and most successful CLL projects undertaken by UBC.




Save, P.W., Froese, T. & Cayuela, A. (2013). Innovation in accelerating sustainable technology – Bio-energy Research Demonstration Facility Case Study. Paper presented at CSCE 2013 General Conference, Montréal, QC.