Characterizing phenotypic diversity in marine populations of the threespine stickleback
Fraser, Ainsley Lilias
El-Sabaawi, Rana
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Scientific Reports
The threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is an important model for studying the evolution
of vertebrate morphology. Sticklebacks inhabit freshwater, brackish, and marine northern hemisphere
waters. Anadromous and marine populations (hereafter marine) are assumed to have remained
unchanged morphologically from ancestral marine sticklebacks, despite marine environments varying
on regional and local scales. Recent studies suggest that genetic and phenotypic structure exists
in marine populations, yet the scale of this variation, and its ecological causes remain unclear. Our
goal was to assess morphological trait variation in marine stickleback populations around Southern
British Columbia (BC) and determine if oceanographic and habitat characteristics were associated
with this variation. Between May–July 2019, we sampled 534 sticklebacks from 15 sites around
Vancouver Island, a region characterized by a large diversity of oceanographic and habitat features.
We characterized trait variation using two-dimensional (2D) geometric morphometric analysis,
comparing individuals between oceanographic regions and habitats. We focused on head and body
shape. We found that marine sticklebacks varied morphologically among and between regions and
habitats, but the variation did not appear to be related to environmental variation. Sexual dimorphism
was the largest source of variation, but oceanographic and habitat variables influenced differences
between sexes. We concluded that marine sticklebacks offer abundant opportunities for expanding
our knowledge of drivers of morphology.
Ecology, Evolution
Fraser, A. L. & El-Sabaawi, R. (2022). “Characterizing phenotypic diversity in marine populations of the threespine stickleback.” Scientific Reports, 12(17923).