Sensitivity study for s process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars
Koloczek, A.
Thomas, B,
Glorius, J.
Plag, R.
Pignatari, M.
Reifarth, R.
Ritter, C.
Schmidt, S.
Sonnabend, K.
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Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables
In this paper we present a large-scale sensitivity study of reaction rates in the main component of the s process. The aim of this study is to identify all rates, which have a global effect on the s process abundance distribution and the three most important rates for the production of each isotope. We have performed a sensitivity study on the radiative 13C-pocket and on the convective thermal pulse, sites of the s process in AGB stars. Weidentified 22 rates, which have the highest impact on the s-process abundances in AGB stars.
Nucleosynthesis, s process, Sensitivity study, AGB star
Koloczek, A., Thomas, B., Glorius, J., Plag, R., Pignatari, M., Reifarth, R., Ritter, C., Schmidt, S. & Sonnabend, K. (2016). Sensitivity study for s process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars. Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 108, 1-14.